What is Kahoot!: A Fun Twist to Learning and Engagement

How Kahoot! Can Transform Your Classroom: A Guide for Teachers

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to teach your students? Do you want to make learning more interactive and collaborative? If so, you might want to try Kahoot!, a game-based learning platform that is used by millions of teachers and students around the world.

Kahoot! is a web-based tool that allows you to create, share, and play quizzes, surveys, and discussions with your students.

You can use it in the classroom, online, or in a hybrid setting. Kahoot! is designed to make learning fun, social, and memorable.


what is kahoot
Photo Courtesy: techprevue.com


In this article, we will explain what Kahoot! is, how it works, and why you should use it in your teaching.

We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to create and play effective kahoots that will boost your students’ learning outcomes.

What is Kahoot! and How Does it Work?

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that lets you create and play multiple-choice quizzes, surveys, and discussions with your students. You can use Kahoot! to review, reinforce, or introduce new topics, assess your students’ understanding, or spark a lively debate.

To create a kahoot, you need to sign up for a free account at getkahoot.com. You can then choose from over 40 million ready-made kahoots on various subjects and grade levels, or create your own from scratch. You can add images, videos, and diagrams to your questions to make them more engaging and relevant.

To play a kahoot, you need a device with an internet connection and a web browser. You can either host a live game, where you display the questions on a shared screen and your students answer on their own devices, or assign a challenge, where your students play at their own pace and compete with their classmates.

Kahoot! is compatible with most devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can also integrate Kahoot! with other platforms, such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Meet, to make your online or hybrid teaching more seamless and interactive.

Photo Courtesy: techlearning.com

Why Should You Use Kahoot! in Your Teaching?

Kahoot! is not only fun and easy to use, but also has many benefits for your teaching and your students’ learning.

Here are some of the reasons why you should use Kahoot! in your classroom:

  • Kahoot! increases student engagement and motivation. Kahoot! makes learning more enjoyable and exciting for your students. They can compete with each other, earn points and badges, and see their progress on a leaderboard. Kahoot! also fosters a positive and supportive learning environment, where your students can cheer each other on, celebrate their achievements, and learn from their mistakes.
  • Kahoot! enhances student learning and retention. Kahoot! helps your students learn more effectively and remember more information. Kahoot! activates their prior knowledge, reinforces their understanding, and deepens their comprehension. Kahoot! also promotes higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, by challenging your students to apply, compare, and justify their answers.
  • Kahoot! supports student differentiation and feedback. Kahoot! allows you to tailor your kahoots to your students’ needs and abilities. You can adjust the difficulty level, the time limit, and the number of questions to suit your students’ learning goals and preferences. You can also use Kahoot! to monitor your students’ performance and progress, and provide them with instant and personalized feedback.


Photo Courtesy: pinterest.com.au


How to Create and Play Effective Kahoots

To make the most out of Kahoot!, you need to create and play kahoots that are relevant, engaging, and meaningful for your students.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to do that:

Choose a clear and specific learning objective for your kahoot.

Before you create or select a kahoot, you need to decide what you want your students to learn and how you will measure their learning.

Your learning objective should be aligned with your curriculum standards and your lesson plan. It should also be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Write clear and concise questions and answers.

Your questions and answers should be easy to read and understand for your students. They should also be aligned with your learning objective and cover the key concepts and skills that you want your students to master.

Avoid using ambiguous, misleading, or irrelevant questions and answers that might confuse or distract your students.

Use rich media and visuals to enhance your kahoot.

You can add images, videos, and diagrams to your questions and answers to make them more appealing and informative for your students.

You can also use them to illustrate, explain, or contextualize your questions and answers. For example, you can use an image to show a historical event, a video to demonstrate a scientific phenomenon, or a diagram to represent a mathematical problem.

Photo Courtesy: pinterest.com.au


Vary the types and formats of your kahoots.

You can use different types and formats of kahoots to suit different purposes and situations. For example, you can use a quiz to test your students’ knowledge, a survey to gather their opinions, or a discussion to stimulate their thinking.

You can also use different formats, such as true/false, multiple choice, or open-ended, to assess different levels of understanding and skills.

Review and revise your kahoots regularly.

You should always check your kahoots for accuracy, relevance, and quality before you use them with your students. You should also update your kahoots regularly to reflect any changes in your curriculum, your students’ needs, or your teaching goals.

Additionally, you can also use the feedback and data from your students to improve your kahoots and make them more effective and engaging.



Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that can transform your classroom and enhance your teaching and your students’ learning. Kahoot! allows you to create, share, and play quizzes, surveys, and discussions with your students, in a fun, social, and memorable way.

By using Kahoot!, you can increase your students’ engagement and motivation, enhance their learning and retention, and support their differentiation and feedback. You can also create and play effective kahoots that are relevant, engaging, and meaningful for your students, by following some simple tips and tricks.

If you want to try Kahoot! for yourself, you can sign up for a free account at getkahoot.com and start creating and playing Kahoot! with your students today. You can also explore the Kahoot! website and blog for more resources, ideas, and inspiration on how to use Kahoot! in your teaching.

Happy kahooting!

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